As mature Christians, we need to understand the times and the seasons we're living in today. In the book of Joel, it quotes: In the last days, God will pour out his Spirit on all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. For the world is waiting for the sons of God to manifest on this earth.
In this hour we have to be very sensitive in hearing the voice of God. There needs to be a clear transmission, in other words, the volume needs to be turned up in our inner man in order to hear what the Spirit of the Lord is saying.
We need to understand the times and seasons. I want you to know that we're in a season of change. Anytime a change is about to take place you will have resistance. and opposition. The word time in the Greek language has two words and they have different means, such as Chronos and Kairos. Chrono's time is the time we use to operate on this earth as a measurable resource. It speaks of minutes and seconds. It's 24 hours a day.
But Kairo's time is quite different because it's the timing of God. It's unplanned and unexpected. It's what you can't explain, it's breathtaking. it's important that we understand God's timetable and be prepared to play our role in God's plan for our destiny and operate in our season of change.
Thank you for contacting Kingdom Takeover Movement Ministries. We're happy that we share the same love for our amazing Lord. If you want to know more about us and our activities, we'll be happy to talk to you.