About Us

Foremost Ministry and Evangelists in Lynwood

Welcome to Kingdom Takeover Movement Ministries, a ministry in the Chicago Land area whose goal is to help Christians change their lives through education and study materials. Our mission is based on the belief that we should always be an ever-learning students of the word of God, and we strive to provide resources and support that help individuals grow in their faith and understanding of the Bible. We provide Bible study services and events to help you be closer to God. If you are looking to talk, you can call at (972) 676-8969 to get in touch.

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"And We Know That in All Things God Works for the Good of Those Who Love Him, Who Have Been Called According to His Purpose." - Romans 8:28

Thank you for contacting Kingdom Takeover Movement Ministries. We're happy that we share the same love for our amazing Lord. If you want to know more about us and our activities, we'll be happy to talk to you.